速度与激情8经典台词有哪些 速度与激情8台词

时间:2018-01-11 热度:

  速度与激情8经典台词有哪些 速度与激情8经典台词


  1)You want to tell me why you shut me up in a room with this idle prisoner? 你要告诉我为什么你把我和这个游手好闲的犯人关在一个房间吗?

  2)If you want to catch you need help with dom. 如果你们想要抓到多姆,你们需要有人帮忙。

  3)Do you want to abandon this family?你要抛弃这个家庭吗?

  4)We've been in touch, but you don't know, I think I need to remind you why you chose to come here. I don't have a choice. 我们其实早就接触过了,只是你不知道,我觉得我需要提醒你为什么你选择来这里。我根本没得选。

  5)Now I know what it feels like to be chased by all the cops. 现在我知道被所有警察追是什么感觉了。

  6)There are thousands of cars in this city. 这座城市里的车成千上万,现在都归我了。

  7)She accurately defines high-tech terrorism. 她精确地定义了高科技恐怖主义。

  8)There is one thing I'm sure nobody has ever seen such a battle. 有一件事我敢肯定没有人见过这样的阵势。

  9)Listen, everybody, we're the one who's in charge of each other, but it's different now, Dominic •. I know it looks bad, but don't give up on him. We have only one chance to reunite the family. 大家听好了,我们是把彼此当家人的,但是现在不一样了,多米尼克•托莱多背叛我们了。我知道这看起来很糟糕,但是不要轻易放弃他,我们只有一次机会来重新团聚这个家。

  10)The most valuable is the family, your family, to cherish them.


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